Discover the Power of Wood-Pressed Oils for Better Cholesterol Levels

Wood Pressed oils

Today, everyone is very conscious of their health and still finds ways to enhance well-being using natural products. One of them has been the use of wood-pressed oils in your diet. These are oils pressed with traditional methods. Therefore, they contain all the nutrients that exist in the ingredients. Not only come loaded with flavor but are also said to help in improving cholesterol levels. This blog will learn how you can consider the help of wood-pressed oils in managing cholesterol.

What Are Wood-Pressed Oils?

Popularly, these are called cold-pressed oils that are extracted from the old wooden press. These oils are obtained by the mechanical crushing of oilseeds at very low temperatures. Moreover, all nutrients and flavour of the oil will be retained. Unlike the processed oils, they are not subjected to extremely high heat. Consequently, they retain much of the nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants that are naturally present. This makes wood-pressed oils a healthier cooking option.

How Do Wood-Pressed Oils Improve Cholesterol Levels?

There is a huge impact on maintaining heart health and managing cholesterol. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, can be prone to contributing to the fill-up of arteries. Therefore, at times, the risk of heart disease is increased. Good cholesterol, or HDL, is instead designed to help clear your bloodstream of bad cholesterol. The diet chosen will directly benefit the balance achieved between good and bad cholesterol.

Furthermore, Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are much higher in wood-pressed oils. They reduce the amount of LDL in your body. Additionally, they also help increase HDL, improving your balance in cholesterol in general. These oils can, therefore, promote heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Health Benefits of Wood-Pressed Oils

Besides cholesterol management, there are several more benefits these wood-pressed oils offer. Let’s look at some of these.

Rich in Antioxidants

Cold-pressed oils possess antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols. Antioxidants fight free radicals and prevent cellular damage. This ensures general well-being and reduces the chances of chronic diseases. However, antioxidants improve skin health. You will end up looking radiant.

Better Nutrient Retention

Unlike refined oils, cold-pressed oils retain most nutrients in their raw form. The traditional extraction method ensures that all the essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals survive this process. Hence, you can be sure to consume the highest quality nutrients when using wood-pressed oils.

Free from Harmful Chemicals

Refined oils contain extra oil used in the extraction process. Over time, these chemicals can decay your health. Wood-pressed oils, on the other hand, do not contain supplements of this kind. Besides, they carry a rich, natural taste that develops flavour in food without compromising your health.

Popular Wood-Pressed Oils for Better Cholesterol

There are several types of wood-pressed oils, which have specific benefits. Some of the well-known ones that can be helpful in cholesterol management have been given below.

Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil

Kachi ghani mustard oil is one of the oldest oils used in cooking. It has several omega-3 fatty acids and is anti-inflammatory. It lowers the bad cholesterol levels while increasing good cholesterol levels. It could help support heart health and boost immunity by adding kachi ghani mustard oil to your diet.

Cold Pressed Groundnut Oil

Yet another excellent option would be cold-pressed groundnut oil. It holds high amounts of monounsaturated fats, which enhance cholesterol balance. Furthermore, it is unscented and will not provide your food with any powerful flavour during the food preparation. Its inclusion in your diet can help your heart and overall well-being.

How to Incorporate Wood-Pressed Oils into Your Diet?

Wood-pressed oils can easily be included in your diet. These can be added to your dishes, salad dressings, or to sauté your vegetables. However, of course, everything should be taken moderately because oils have higher calories, even though they are healthy to be controlled. Here are some easy ways to add wood-pressed oil to your meals:

  • Stir-fry or sauté vegetables with them.
  • They can also be drizzled over salads for added flavour and nutrient content.
  • Add them to marinades for a rich authentic taste.
  • Use them for the healthier pastries that they make as desserts.
  • Such minor changes can be huge health factors for you in the long run.

Why Choose Wood-Pressed Oils Over Refined Oils?

It is always better to have wood-pressed oils instead of refined oils. Oil refining involves various complex processes and usually is done with chemicals and heating, thus removing the natural nutrients from the oils and replacing them with unhealthy trans fats. Additionally, refined oils may contain harmful preservatives that may be dangerous to your health.

Wood-pressed oils, on the other hand, retain their natural goodness. They are free of chemicals and additives that might be harmful to human health. Additionally, their high nutrient content is better for people trying to enhance heart health and cholesterol levels.


Wood-pressed oils are one of the easier and more productive methods for controlling cholesterol levels. These oils are rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, and essential nutrients but do not have all those detrimental chemicals and preservatives present in the refined oil. However, consumption of oils such as kachi ghani mustard oil and cold-pressed groundnut oil could, therefore, become the simplest means of supporting heart health as well as general well-being.

Then there’s wood-pressed oils, a small step toward going back to better health. Natural and nutrient-rich, wood-pressed oils make all the difference in cholesterol management, so try them today for a healthier tomorrow.
